Our experience working as non-profit leaders and with non-profit leaders has shown us that your time is valuable and we know that spending time on the web to find answers to your leadership questions can be an overwhelming experience. With that in mind, we have endeavored on this page to offer a few of our favorite places to find a plethora of information regarding non-profit leadership. Happy surfing!
For info on board leadership, our favorite spot is www.boardsource.org.
To learn more about federal grants, go to www.grants.gov.
For information on foundation and other grants, visit www.grantsalert.com, www.foundationsearch.com, www.christiangrants.com,
For information about general non-profit leadership, we suggest: www.npgoodpractice.org, www.charitychannel.com, www.bbb.org/us/Charity-Standards, www.faithandleadership.com, www.guidestar.org, www.nonprofitleadershipcenter.com